Monday, June 15, 2009

Call for Volunteerism! Need Organizers for Events

This is a big call for volunteerism to help out our unemployed community and get each other back on our feet. I am looking for organizers for our regular job networking mixers. If a few of you in each city can handle one event per month that would be great. This is a very rewarding feeling.

I need organizers for a few reasons. First off, my savings are depleted and can no longer afford gas, food and other travel costs. Second, I am hoping to organize events across the country and need to devote more time to find organizers who believe in the "Pay It Forward" concept. Third, I am organizing the World's Largest Job Search Networking event scheduled on September 7 (LABOR DAY) and also need to concentrate on the logistics for that event.

I really believe if we all band together, we can make this movement a successful one. With your help we can make a difference and provide hope that people care.

What I need from you is to set up before the event, act as wingman during the mixer and just make sure everyone is having a good time. I would also need for you to post on different websites and ask everyone to tell their friends about our events. It is really easy.

If you are interested, I would like to assign you a venue that I have arranged. Please email me at or call me at 310-406-7992.

Let's keep providing hope to one another and find each other jobs.


Edwin Duterte

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